We are

Enlightened by Darkness

Published in 2016, it is the first album of the band. Recorded, mixed, mastered and designed by Art Distillery Studios, this album has the classical symphonic metal sound, with some folk experimentations (having a violinist and a flutist as guests musicians) and lyrics about philosophical and psychological themes.

Behind the Scenes

It is a song about the enthusiasm and the will of knowing and searching for the secret of existence, quoting it: "I am living to discover what's behind our scenes, a never-ending search for the unknown".

Talking Dumbs

Thematically governed by the keyboards, it's a song about the importance of critical thinking.

The Ending of Time

The first song with the use of the violinist as guest musician, it has a folk-sounding intro and a thematic core about the illusion of time as perceived by human beings.

Illusion of a Dream

First song ever written by the band, it's about the contrast between our dreams of infinity and reality and our thirst for knowledge.

The Birth

It's a song about an inner trasformation after experiencing a traumatic experience and the loss of hope.

Breathing Infinity

This is a celtic-inspired ballad about the strong inspiration, peace and healing given by Nature.

Enlightened by Darkness

Title-track, core of the album, it's about the importance of finding our inner light in the darkness, our deepest world of feelings and dreams when all the other 'fake lights' are off.

Autumn Hymn

Another ballad-tribute to Nature, this time in its elder stage.


With its folk vibes by our guest flutist Marina, this song brings you to a dream-like world of inner fantasies.